Spring Rank Advancement Test with Grandmaster Sin Thé
Spring Rank Advancement Test with Grandmaster Sin Thé
Grandmaster Sin Thé will conduct our quarterly rank advancement test for all students who are ready to advance.
Grandmaster Sin Thé will conduct our quarterly rank advancement test for all students who are ready to advance.
This spring, Grandmaster Sin has decided to the Southern Shaolin Mantis form which consists of 53 postures. Along with the kata, he will be teaching the various pressure point targets and the applications. In previous seminars, he has taught multiple mantis forms from the Northern Shaolin Mantis system but this will be the first one […]
In addition to the Southern Shaolin Mantis form seminar, Grandmaster Sin is also going to teach another breathing a mediation seminar! In this seminar, he will cover such topics as: Yin Yang Chi Breathing The Large Circle of Heaven Second Level of Hua Tuo’s Five Animals Training There will be both an in-person and a virtual […]
Grandmaster Sin Thé will conduct a rank advancement test for students from any school who are ready to advance.
Grandmaster Sin Thé and a committee of masters will conduct a rank advancement test for any black belts who are ready to advance.
This spring, Grandmaster Sin has decided to the Southern Shaolin Mantis form which consists of 53 postures. Along with the kata, he will be teaching the various pressure point targets and the applications. In previous seminars, he has taught multiple mantis forms from the Northern Shaolin Mantis system but this will be the first one […]